This donation:
Dec 29 |
Robyn view profile
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Apr 12 |
mariajose view profile
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Apr 9 |
BARBARA view profile
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Ellen view profile
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Janice view profile
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Kephence is improving so much in his school work!
posted April 15, 2011

A Teamworks employee writes,
“When I first met Kephence I could tell he loved to play sports because during free time he would play basketball in the gym. Little did I know he has more passion in his school work than he does in his athletics. After our activities to get the kids more involved with teamwork, he would waste little time in asking the staff to help him with his homework. Sometimes, he wants to do his homework so bad, he won’t even want to do the fun activities! It’s pretty rare to see kids enjoy doing their homework, but we find that in him.
Kephence always has a smile on his face and is full of energy. It seems like he gets a long with all the kids. The elementary kids are graded on a number scale with 5 being the highest, and Kephence currently has a 4. Kephence is a fast learner when it comes to his school work. The thing I see with him is he takes a lot of pride when he learns how to solve his math problems.
Because of your generous donations, Kephence is improving so much in his school work continuously and is starting to realize just how intelligent he is.”
Thank you so much to all of you for providing a whole year of academic support for Kephence! A special thank you to Laurent, and UBS for donating multiple months of tutoring. Thanks again!
Give this gift » | Provide one month of mentorship for an inner-city student in the TEAM-WORKS Academy. |
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This donation:
Mar 24 |
Scott view profile
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Mar 7 |
shannon view profile
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Arnold Grows in Leadership and Confidence
posted April 7, 2011

Arnold is a fourth grade Native American student and one of four children in his family. His sisters also attend TeamWorks Academy.
Arnold started the program over a year ago. He has shown much progress academically as well as personally. When he started at TEAMWORKS, Arnold was very shy and reserved. Since then, he has made bonds with mentors who have helped him in developing a strong character.
Arnold always comes to tutoring with a smile and now loves to work and be active. He has been quoted saying that, “TEAMWORKS has taught me how to work while having fun”. Since attending TEAMWORKS Arnold has joined the football team, he has made many new friends and has grown in his self confidence and self esteem.
Because of your support, Arnold is on his way to becoming a leader in his school and community. Thank you all for your generous donations!
Give this gift » | Provide one month of mentoring and tutoring for a Native American student in the TEAM-WORKS Academy. |
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This donation:
Mar 8 |
Chuck view profile
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Mar 6 |
Amit view profile
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Tony view profile
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Amanda view profile
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Mar 4 |
Mary view profile
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Vorriece’s Grades Increase and He Develops Good Study Habits
posted March 22, 2011

Vorriece is a middle school student. He began the TEAMWORKS program during the second session of the school year. In just a short amount of time he has made some significant improvements academically. He brought his Language Arts grade up from failing to an 87%. When Vorriece first came to TEAMWORKS he had trouble staying focused and completing his work on his own. Through our mentoring and tutoring program he has been able to stay on track and complete his homework every day.
Along with increasing his grades, Vorriece has also displayed changes in his attitude since attending TEAMWORKS. He smiles much more and seems very happy while he is participating in TEAMWORKS activities.
Because of your generous donation, Vorriece will continue getting the help he needs to keep his grades up and also has the opportunity to learn and grow in a supportive and encouraging environment.
Give this gift » | Provide one month of mentorship for an inner-city student in the TEAM-WORKS Academy. |
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This donation:
Jan 21 |
Amit view profile
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Dec 23 |
Martin view profile
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Brooklyn is improving in her Grades and in her Attitude!
posted February 4, 2011

This is Brooklyn’s second year attending TEAM-WORKS Academy. When she first began the program, she was struggling in her classes and was also having some behavioral issues that were addressed early on. Brooklyn has continued to attend TEAM-WORKS in order to get the help with her homework that she needs. She also actively participates in our Character lessons. Brooklyn’s father has noticed the improvements in her school work as well as in her attitude towards homework and others. Brooklyn’s behavior has changed immensely in a positive direction and is noticed by all the staff. She is now a cheerful and hard working fourth grader who initiates getting tutoring and homework help on her own.
Now that Brooklyn can continue with another year of tutoring, she is able to receive the academic support and the Character development that TEAM-WORKS Academy provides. Brooklyn is on her way to becoming a strong leader in her school and is continuing to grow in having a positive attitude toward school and others.
A big thanks to Steve, Niranjan, Amit, Ehtasham, Eddie, Peter and Kim, Kandace, Elena and Shanen, Dennis (2 months!), Martin, and Jay; your support and donation will help this student continue on a positive life path!
Give this gift » | Provide one month of mentoring and tutoring for a Native American student in the TEAM-WORKS Academy. |
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This donation:
Jan 21 |
Tony view profile
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Jan 14 |
Kristi view profile
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Amanda Gains Confidence in Herself and in her Abilities!
posted February 2, 2011

Amanda is an eighth grade student and a second-generation Cambodian-American. When she first came to TEAM-WORKS Academy, Amanda had a timid spirit and was lacking self-confidence. Amanda would come into the room and quietly sit and eat her snack until the program was ready to begin. Amanda walks with a limp due to a past medical condition. Amanda has big dreams to attend a prestigious university someday, but knows she must raise some of her grades in order to make this dream a reality.
Since attending TEAM-WORKS Academy, Amanda has gained confidence in herself and in her abilities. Through stretching and modified physical exercises, Amanda is walking at a faster pace and with a new-found confidence! Amanda always has a smile on her face and initiates conversations with TEAM-WORKS mentors and with other students. She speaks highly of the relationships she has been able to make as a result of the TEAM-WORKS program. Amanda has improved her study-habits and is working hard to attain the high-grades she will need to reach her educational goals; she knows that success comes one step at a time.
Tony, Hardik, Susan and James, Mark and Lisbet, Bill, Marty and Lorri, Richard, Wat, Rick and Beth, Bill, Emily and Drew, and Kristi–thank you so much for your generous donation. Altogether, you provided Amanda with a year of tutoring at TEAM-WORKS!
Give this gift » | Provide one month of mentorship for an inner-city student in the TEAM-WORKS Academy. |
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This donation:
Dec 30 |
Scott view profile
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Zack Gains Confidence and Skills that Enrich the Quality of His Life
posted January 18, 2011

Zack is a ninth grade boy who has special needs. Since attending TEAM-WORKS Academy, Zack has shown progress in many different areas. His reading and math skills have improved tremendously as well as his overall character. Zack went from being a very shy and reserved student who was set apart from others because of his differences, to being an actively engaged student who displays leadership skills on a daily basis.
Zack has enjoyed TEAM-WORKS so much that he desires to be a mentor to others in order to give back what has been given to him. Zack is so excited to be at TEAM-WORKS that he is often the first student to arrive to the program each day. He always shows up with a big smile and is excited to learn, make friends and help others.
Scott, because of your generous donation Zack is now able to attend TEAM-WORKS for a full year, giving him the opportunity to live out his dream of being a big brother and mentor to others as well as pursue his desire to graduate from high school and go to college.
Give this gift » | Provide one year of mentoring and tutoring for a Native American student in the TEAM-WORKS Academy. |
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This donation:
Jan 3 |
Rob view profile
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Dec 22 |
Mary view profile
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Eddy Sets Goals to Achieve His Dreams
posted January 18, 2011

Eddy is a seventh grader whose father died when he was a young boy, leaving him with a need for positive role models in his life. When he first came to TEAM-WORKS Academy, Eddy knew that he wanted to play professional football one day because of his love for the game, but he did not know what it would take to achieve this dream. Eddy is a known athlete in his school but has had some behavioral issues and academic challenges that, if not addressed, could prevent him from succeeding and achieving his goals.
Since attending TEAM-WORKS Academy, Eddy has set clear and concise goals that will help him not only succeed in middle school but in high school, college and beyond. He now knows the important role that education plays in achieving his life goals and has a strong desire to go to college. Eddy has been making great progress in his behavior and now displays a positive attitude toward school and learning. He is currently working on being a good leader among his peers and has developed great relationships with TEAM-WORKS mentors who help him to make good life decisions and achieve his dreams.
Mary (6 months!), Rob (5 months!) and Shelly, because of your generous donations, Eddy is now able to attend TEAM-WORKS Academy for an entire year. He will not only get the academic support he needs but he will also be able to have positive role models in his life who care about him, his future and his well-being.
Give this gift » | Provide one month of mentorship for an inner-city student in the TEAM-WORKS Academy. |
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This donation:
Dec 16 |
Ehtasham view profile
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Tony view profile
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Dec 10 |
Neil view profile
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Neil view profile
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Eddie Shows Great Progress
posted December 16, 2010

With your support Eddie now has one year of tutoring and mentoring with the TEAM-WORKS Academy in Washington State. Eddie is the oldest of five kids in her family. Prior to joining our program her options for after-school activities were limited to helping take care of her siblings either at home or at the local boys and girls club.
When she began at TEAM-WORKS, Eddie was struggling in school academically, as well as having discipline issues for her behavior on a continual basis. Since joining TEAM-WORKS, Eddie has been completing all of her homework assignments and her mother has commented on how much her attitude has changed for the better. Eddie has made so much progress that she has been able to teach and show other students what it means to be a respectful and noble person.
Not only has Eddie grown to be a leader at TEAM-WORKS, but she has also helped to influence her younger siblings who are now attending TEAM-WORKS and showing great progress.
Because of your donation, Eddie now will now be able to stay with TEAM-WORKS Academy for one more year!
Give this gift » | Provide one month of mentoring and tutoring for a Native American student in the TEAM-WORKS Academy. |
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