This impact story was published by TEAM-WORKS Academy. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Alen becomes a man of integrity!

Alen Sylvester
Dear Brian, Dennis, Pradeep, Jeffrey, Kandace, Rick and Beth, and The Butson,

Alen first started coming to TEAM-WORKS Academy only a few months ago, but has already shown significant improvement in his drive and self-esteem. He has high hopes of becoming a doctor and TEAM-WORKS Academy has helped him set goals in order to make this dream become a reality. Alen also better appreciates the importance of studying hard to earn good grades and has learned the importance of having integrity and setting a good example for others.
Alen has taken an active role in the Strong Character lessons and has become a leader among his peers. He sets an example on how to respect his peers and his elders. When Alen is part of a team, he gives his fellow team members encouragement with the task at hand. He is not afraid to be the first student to speak up when a general question is posed to the group and Alen has developed some really great insights into what having a strong character means, which he expresses to his peers and mentors.

Thanks to your generosity, Alen will continue to develop the essential character skills that will make him a great and personable doctor with high integrity. Thank you for supporting Alen!

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